Amixa Website Designers Pittsburgh, PA

WebDNA programming and maintenance services

Amixa is pleased to launch a new extension of our developmental services - WebDNA programming and maintenance services. If you have a web site written on the WebDNA platform, we can provide the following services for you:

Note: We do NOT do new web site development on WebDNA. We will only maintain, host or convert your existing WebDNA site.

What is WebDNA?

WebDNA is at the heart of all products in the WebDNA eBusiness Development Suite. The product can be used for simple informational sites to complex commerce solutions.

Developers choose WebDNA because of its out-of-the-box power, flexibility, performance, and its support of multiple platforms including Windows, Mac, UNIX, Linux, and Solaris. WebDNA is easy to learn and includes powerful functionality that other languages cannot match. WebDNA “tags” accomplish in one command what would take many lines of code in other languages. This efficiency translates to faster, more error-free coding.

Internet Service Providers prefer WebDNA because hosting WebDNA is simple and profitable. A powerful server side scripting language, WebDNA works with Microsoft IIS, Apache, and WebStar web servers. WebDNA includes a high speed internal database, native support for MySQL and support for most any database compatible with ODBC. This wide array of cross compatibility ensures the ISP will always be able to provide what the customer is looking for.

Web Site Owners love the fact that they can manage their own site from product management to updating content using the included SiteBuilder application. This powerful tool makes it easy to modify graphic layout, navigation, page content and even the look and feel of the site without having to know HTML or WebDNA.

For more information about our WebDNA Maintenance and Conversion services, please contact us today.

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