Amixa Website Designers Pittsburgh, PA

Internships with Amixa

Want to intern with an exciting, experienced web site design business?

We are currently accepting internship resumes for 2025 and 2026.

We are seeking interns with experience in: Macromedia Flash animation, web graphic design, CSS template creation.

*** You MUST be able to create graphics freehand in Adobe Illustrator and/or Adobe Photoshop CS2, CS3, CS4 or CS5.

If that is you, and you are interested in interning in a casual and fun atmosphere, send us the following:

1) Your resume
2) A one page summary of who you are, a capsule of your background and why you want to intern for us and/or why your skills would be a good match

Send the above info to us through the contact info on this page. We will contact you if we wish to interview you for an opening. No phone calls please.

501c3 &
Non-Profit & Community Groups

We offer special pricing for your organizations »

Now available!
The Amixa Alumni Management System is a sophisticated web-based alumni management application.

Call Us ANYTIME for a
no-obligation quote!

We're here to
serve you!

Read about the myth of "Cheap web sites" here... »