Online Web Based Alumni Management and Contact Application
AMIXA's custom web-based online alumni management tracking & contact application is now available for licensing to your organization! This application is very modular and may be "re-skinned" to deploy on other school and university web sites.
AMIXA developed a proprietary, licensable web application... please go view several of our live installations:
Once A Moc Alumni and
No-Nonsense Pricing
One-time setup fee: $1,000
Very Easy! A one-time setup fee includes site design, domain setup and training. You are getting a site that we invested over $50,000 in developmental costs - for a one time $1,000 setup fee.
Your monthly fee includes all community features, future upgrades and enhancements, customer service, support, continued training and an unlimited number of registered users.
The entire process can be completed within days. There are no other fees or expenses. Choose convenient billing options of quarterly, every 6 months or annually.
There are no banner ads or annoying pop-ups to deal with. The site is ad-free and is part of your website domain (example:, so it is branded with your organization's name and web site address.
One time setup includes the following:
• Custom color palette with your organization / school colors
• Integration of your logo into the header of the site
• UNLIMITED of web storage (needed mostly for alumni photos)
• 6 GB of monthly data transfer
• Personal domain name
• Training
Features & Options:
- Member directory
- Real-Time Mapping of Alumni using Google Maps technology
- Contact management system
- Event registrations and online payments
- Ability to charge and collect dues for access to site
- Reunion management tools
- Robust member profile system that maintains privacy
- Forums
- Data Imports and Export capabiltiy
- online Photo Gallery with the ability for members to upload their own photos
- Self-managing "Classified ad" postings area
- Online surveys
- Centralized "one point" Back office admin tool
- Online Store capabilties for you to sell "school branded" shirts, hats, programs, etc.
- Content management system
- Faculty and administration registration
The site is designed around a business-class database that maintains all news posts, user information, and email list. The site uses Microsoft technologies to code the pages, and it is hosted on AMIXA's own Microsoft platform servers.
A high quality CSS based layout is used for the layout, fonts, and styles. The custom design and artwork were created by AMIXA's talented artists and developers.
 The core of the web site is engineered around the robust alumni profile & registration system. This system is flexible; new fields may be added at any time to increase the value for each specific school or university.
 Each time a user logs in to the system, they see a listing of new members, and members who have updated their profiles.
  Once an alumni has registered, they will have access to an alumni list, by year, as well as search and geo-location capabilities. For security purposes, these are only available to registered and authenticated users. The system uses an email verification system; upon registration an email is dispatched to the registrant that must be clicked to authorize the account. This ensures correct and accurate email addresses.
 Registered alumni can "peek" at other alumni profiles; they can also click on the area code and zip code to get a listing of alumni in their area/town. For security purposes, no sensitive information is revealed here.
Registered users can also edit their comprehensive online profile, from name and address, to activities & sports they participated in, as well as areas for self-narrative bios, favorite memories, and more. Many of these areas are optional and the user can opt to share some or all of this information with other registered users.
The fields and text areas may be adjusted for each unique school/university. Fields may be added or removed from the application and other customization services are available.
Real-Time Alumni Mapping
One of the most popular and innovative features on the site is the "Real-Time Alumni Map". Using several technologies including Yahoo Geocoding and Google Maps, AMIXA has created a real-time mapping database of alumni.
When a registered user clicks on a map marker, they will see the name of the alumni who lives in that town, along with their Class year. A click of either of those will show the appropriate detail information page.
Safe & Secure email a user feature
Registered users have the ability to safely and securely email another alumni member. When viewing a user profile, simply click the send email button.
 Users have a choice of revealing their email address to the recipient, or to hide their email address and only conduct their emails through the alumni web application.
 Each user also has an "Email Inbox" in which they can view, reply and delete person-to-person email messages.
Easy administration of user posts
 There are multiple "user areas" on the site where users can post classifieds, member news, alumni memorials, etc. These posts generate an email to the site administrator, who can view the text of the post within the email, then click an approval link in the email to automatically approve the post. Once approved, the post immediately displays on the site.