Amixa Website Designers Pittsburgh, PA

Technical Support Services - At Your Location

Amixa is mobile and can come to your home or business for a variety of services. Contact us for rates and availability.

Mobile services include:

We offer the following - and more!

Repairs — Do you have problems with your computer? Is is slow or sluggish even though you just bought it? We can professionally repair, install, or "tune-up" your PC!

Disaster recovery from Spyware and Viruses — Amixa has years of experience in critical system recovery. Let our expertise work for you!

Upgrades — Want to add more memory but don't know how? Need a bigger hard drive? Better video card? Let Amixa do the repair for you!

Home or Business LAN setup — Amixa can properly setup your business or home LAN, Wired or Wireless and configure it for optimium performance and security.

PC Purchases & Setup — We can advise on purchases, setup computers or networks, and patiently show you how to use them.

On Site Training — We can provide individual "one on one" training for beginners to advanced AT YOUR location!

Digital Photography — We can photograph whatever you want and get the photos online for you or your business.

For more information about our "At your location" services, please contact us today.

501c3 &
Non-Profit & Community Groups

We offer special pricing for your organizations »

Now available!
The Amixa Alumni Management System is a sophisticated web-based alumni management application.

Call Us ANYTIME for a
no-obligation quote!

We're here to
serve you!

Read about the myth of "Cheap web sites" here... »