Amixa Website Designers Pittsburgh, PA

Web Site Design Technologies

Amixa's development team is on the cutting-edge of web development. Over the years, we've developed many proprietary web and stand-alone applications that we can license to you - for use on your web site - at far lower cost than developing a unique application. This enables you to use a custom-developed web application at a cost normally unobtainable to the average business.

Shopping Cart

As a leader in e-commerce web development, AMIXA has more than 9 years experience in developing shopping cart applications that can be integrated onto almost any web site. The shopping cart contains the following features:

Electronic Downloads

We've developed secure technologies that enable our clients to sell electronic downloads, including MP3's, Adobe PDF documents, and more. These technologies include a variety of security measures to insure site integrity.

Online Ticketing

In 2004, AMIXA launched the first online ticketing system for a high school in the United States through the web site. Our flexible ticketing application allowed the high school to sell tickets to football games in an efficient manner. The ticketing application includes the following features:

Electronic Newsletter Distribution

AMIXA has developed a user-friendly email list management application that can be integrated into any web site. The email list application includes the following features:

Alumni Management Systems

Developed for, AMIXA has developed a robust Alumni management system that will allow schools and universities to maintain their own online alumni database. The alumni application includes the following features:

For more information about our licensable Alumni Management System, read here.

Dynamic HELP FAQ systems

AMIXA has developed multiple user-friendly HELP FAQ systems that enable your web site visitors to quickly find answers to common questions and issues. This application includes the following features:

For information on licensing any of these technologies for your web site, please contact us today for more information.

501c3 &
Non-Profit & Community Groups

We offer special pricing for your organizations »

Now available!
The Amixa Alumni Management System is a sophisticated web-based alumni management application.

Call Us ANYTIME for a
no-obligation quote!

We're here to
serve you!

Read about the myth of "Cheap web sites" here... »